Hi Guys, Here I am again with a new gem called FancyAudio. Any guesses what this gem might do or how to use it. Let me explain it for you.
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MediaMagic: Convert any media file into encoded string or vice-versa
This gem is written with the intention of converting any kind of file into encoded string or vice versa. The code is available on github.
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Closure in Ruby
What is Closure?
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Android with sqlite database
This article will cover how to use sqlite database with android. For this article I have created a demo application which is available on my github account. The app just has a list view which contains a list of products with its price. We will fetch the products from sqlite...
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Basic configuration of VIM
This article will explain about how we can configure vim for basic features like syntax highlighting, enabling numbers etc. To enable basic features of vim you need to make some configuration changes.
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nokogiri ERROR Failed to build gem native extension on MAC
During bundle install, a lot of time we use to get following error because of nokogiri gem. This error generally occur on MAC OSX. There are few other gems as well which throw the same error like pg, rmagic etc. But the way we resolve this problem is same for most...
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Cucumber and calabash for android app testing
This article will cover how cucumber and calabash can be used for android testing. Code used in this post can be found on github using following urls.
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Vim modes - normal, insert and visual
This article covers all the basic modes of vim. commands or mappings supported in each mode and what commands we can use to jump between them. Or if you are looking for a well configured vim you can visit my github repo here.
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Set up automation using cucumber and capybara
This article is about setting up automation environment using cucumber and capybara from scratch with minimal configuration and the code. For this tutorial I have created a sample project and code for that is available here on github. We will start from nothing and build eventually. So lets start
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Instrumentation testing of list view
In this post we will learn how to write simple instrumentation test. We will be testing an app which has a listView. We will test that list has items in it and on clicking on an item it goes to item’s detail page. For this post I have created a demo application...
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